Holy eff!
Intro, calm, controlled and it felt like something awesome was brimming, probably my favorite part of the song really. Once the main part of the melody came in (the piano for bittersweet symph) it started to feel just a tad disjoined, but it quickly came together very well.
Not the sunlight I was thinking of, there's an awesome dub remix on NG (and by awesome, I mean awesome...) though I really liked it, the piano was great, and you had some really good sounding synths in here, nothing really crazy fancy, but full of energy and great sounding, there isn't anything "off" in this song, and it's quite a pleasure to listen to on my Klipsch "one" headphones, which have quite the knack for pulling out every bit of sound and laying it right out in the open, if you own some studio phones, or ever get to listen to stuff on them, I'd recommend it, this song is beast in em!
At 57 secs there is a snare that does sound out of place, it gives it a glitchy kinda feel which I do not think fits well in this song (that sorta thing is usually better for glitch metal, and that sort of music) this is more of a smooth song, and it makes your mixing of the tracks seem a little rough at the beginning, other than that this is pretty awesome! (Yeah, I know, I'm super picky...)
Excellent work!
I haven't put anything up on NG for a while, but I am working on one or two pretty awesome things (trying to get everything perfect...) if you want I can let you know when I drop a track, idk when though, cause college is a killer so far...